Thursday 9 July 2009

Finished Posters

Poster tryouts & photographs

We tried to take a few stills throughout our filming so that we could have a poster which shows an image from the film. However we shot these on a Canon digital camera in order to get a strong image.

Our poster creation was done by Ellen and Leslie, who manipulated the photographs so that they were dark, eerie and gritty. Additionally we wanted to use the same childish font that we used through the film which can be found on dafont


This film has given our group great inspirtation.
As it portrays the effect of the human mind on the events of murder.

Synopsis for Hide and Seek
David discovers that he has split personality. David realizes that Charlie is not imaginary at all, but that in fact, he is Charlie. David also discovers that under his Charlie personality, he killed his wife and then made it appear to be a suicide, after discovering his wife's affair. David's personality then becomes fully consumed by the increasingly violent Charlie, leading him to murder the local sheriff, who came to investigate the previous altercation. Emily calls Katherine for assistance and Katherine arrives in time to rescue Emily. Katherine shoots David/Charlie in the cave where Emily first met 'Charlie'.

Our synopsis.
Damon attends the mental institute Broadmoor physciatric hospital in Berkshire, with Skitsophrenia and depression, however Damon escapes and goes back to his home in Hackney, London. He then begins to realize he cannot overcome his childhood experiences his which his father beat him and rape his mother, this sends Damon wild and he ends up on a fight for revenge against what has happened to him, he begins to kill female victims in order to revenge the lack of love he has had in his life; love which should idealy be given by a woman!

Moodboard(: Influences & Inspiration.

Jack the Ripper is britains most famous

unidentified serial killing, with the victims

being prostitues in the Whitechapel area London.


Our film would be run on a very low buget, which would need assistance in order to be produced, when reasearching furthur into this we realized that our film would be legible to be funded by The Ukfilm council which is aided by lottery funding. When looking into the different catagories on the UkFilm council website, i believe our film would fall in the catagory of 'Development funding'. However on a whole the UKfilm council has produced films such as...

Our focus to funding will be on the 'Development' fund. The development fund aims to: broaden the quality, range and ambition of film projects being developed in the UK and to build a talent-driven home for writers, directors and producers.
This appeals to us as we are hoping to appeal to the audience by being new, exciting and ambitious with our work. The development fund allows us to have upto "£25,000" for our project, which is an outstanding amount of money which can be used to create a fantastic independant film!


Wednesday 8 July 2009

This is the Pans Labyrinth soundtrack which we have used to create an eerie child like atmosphere.


Our 'British' aspect of the film has been created by child abuse, as this is an increasing problem in todays society.

What is abuse?
-Seuxal abuse
- Physical abuse
-Domestic violence
-Emotional abuse

It is often portrayed in the British media that people who commit murder can often be seeking revenge on their own past experiences. The novel 'Prologue to Violence' by Abby Stein dicusses how child abuse can later on in life affect an adult in such a manner which can lead them into commiting crime. (In our films case this is true, but also that they have escape from a mental home, having skitsophrenia.)

Social realism. random reasearch and ideas!!

When looking through an extract from critic 'Rona Murray' about social realism i came to realize how our trailer features very similar ideologies to 'Social realism'. This was first introduced by Ken Loach (1960's) social realism relies on low buget gritty techniques, for example low lighting and hand held camera action.

'This is England' shows an example of new social realism, as it uses urban, gritty camera shots and narrative. This has been used in our trailer as we have tried to use very naturalistic camera shots; which are used by a hand held camera. Additionally another trait of social realism is little non digetic sound, we have kept all the same audio used throughout the filming but added a soundtrack to create a more eerie feel.

John Grieson describes documentarys as 'the creative treatment of actuality', i also think our film has a documentary feel with the use of hand held camera and the nature of the narrative, throughout a film we would be shown how and why the killer damon is how he is, we later discover it is due to the abuse by his father. In turn, allowing the audience to divert from the own lives or relate to the problems shown.

Social realism aspects we have followed.

-Enigma narrative.
-Trapes of thriller to keep the audience guessing.
-blends social realist with british gangsta thriller!


We have been working on the presentation for our pitch and the editing for the teaser trailers. The pitch is shaping up nicely, and we now have a finished cut of the first trailer.

Day 3


Today we filmed all of the scenes for our film. We spent the first few hours in a bedroom, shooting a dramatic and horrifying scene handheld. The later hours were spent outside and in other interior locations, shooting additional footage.

One of our main themes in the trailer is the "Rose" symbol. This symbol has a significiant meaning in our film, which will be revealed at the pitch, so I have included some pictures and illustrations to give people an idea of the plot of the film.

Tuesday 7 July 2009

UPDATE 1- 5.44

We are currently trying to work out a name for our film, which will be led by an iconic symbol of murder (serial killer as a focus).
Our teaser trailer will foreshadow the events of the murderer, we wont ever show exactly how he chooses to kill the victims, it is up to the audience to work out how and why.
We are gaining influence from Saw, Jack the Ripper and Hannibal.


Alex Kurzweil- Main Guy
Sarah Higgins- Girl 1
Leslie Rois- Girl 2


Leslie Rois


Ellen Bradshaw


Rob Patrick

Currently storyboarding and finalising shooting times.

Saw Trailer

Below is the trailer for Saw, we originally really wanted to focus our own teaser trailer on this. With particular interest in the voice over of the murderer, however we have now chosen to keep the murderer silenced and focus more on a continuous shot of the murderer dragging the victim. In comparison to Saw our interest still lies in the ideas shown, the use of long shots which are gripping and an unidentified murderer.

This last image shows a newspaper cutting about a murder. This really interested our group as we were interested in the case of Jack the Ripper and the effect it has on british society. This is where our trailer teasing the british aspect and genre, as the film progresses we would want to include newspaper cuttings and newsreports to show the social context of the Jack the Ripper case and how the media portrayed the event.

Welcome to GROUP 04's Blog

Wednesday 1 July 2009